For our group project in Ed. Psych we were supposed to read a book and then make an I-movie to review it. The book that our group chose was “The Last Lecture” by Randy Pausch. Randy died in the summer of 2008 from a very aggressive form of cancer, in an effort to leave something for his young children, so that they might know what kind of a person their dad was, he gave a ‘last lecture’. This lecture has taken thousands of people by storm, it has inspired many to reconnect with their childhood dreams, and many people are changing their lives in order to help others achieve their dreams. The book moved each of us in the group and so we decided to focus on dreams in our movie. I think that we did a very nice job with the movie and there is a link on the ride hand side of the screen. The movie is in two parts and I know that you won’t regret taking a look. Enjoy:)
It's nice to see our finished project on YouTube.
We should take the life lessons Randy Pausch presents to us and apply them to education!
I'm very proud how our project turned out. It is even more satisfying see it on youtube
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