During two of our Monday night meetings we watched a movie entitle “Chalk” the movie was very similar to the TV show “The Office” and focused on letting the viewer see what goes on in an average school district on a daily basis. I thought the movie was very enjoyable. It gave the viewer an opportunity to see different approaches to teaching and why they work, or as was often the case, why they don’t work. It was also interesting to see the dynamics that teachers had with their colleagues and the administration in the district. The movie followed the teachers through and entire school year so it was especially interesting to watch the teacher who, quite honestly was awful at the beginning of the school year, turn into a teacher who actually did have control of his classroom and who was even respected and liked by the students. It was also rather amusing for me to watch this movie as I am fairly certain that every single one of the teachers in this movie taught at my high school in one form or another. It was nice to just be able to laugh at the ‘rookie’ mistakes that were being made throughout the movie. Definitely a fun activity to include in the course!
I also enjoyed this movie. I agree that I could think of many high school teachers that fit each of the characters. Very funny.
Chalk was hilarious- it's interesting how this particular strain of humor typical of NBC's "The Office" is actually quite revealing to some realities, despite coming off as comically ridiculous.
The movie opened with some statistic along the lines of "50% of all teachers quit within their first 3 years." There's solid reasons behind that- and we see it in this movie, "Chalk."
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