Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Little Uncomfortable About Blogging

So, I'm just gonna be honest, this whole blogging thing makes me feel a little bit nervous. I accepted a long time ago that I live in a world filled with shades of gray. It is often extremely difficult for me to pick one side and stick to it, because I can often see both sides of any issue. It also makes me kind of uncomfortable to put my views out on the Internet for anyone and everyone to read because I think that there are exceptions to just about everything that ever takes place. So......just be aware that many of my blogs will probably contain support for different points from both sides and realize that that's just me, and how my mind works, so there ya go! Happy blogging:)


hannahbb said...

I definitely know where you're coming from. I am usually in the gray area on a lot of issues too. Just keep blogging, just keep blogging ... : ) We love to read whatever you have to share!

bdepperson said...

Opinions change- it's natural. As long as you don't write anything radical online, I think anyone who would read this would understand if your moderate stances have changed (moderately).